Monday 16 December 2013

Uchiha Sasuke

Who is Uchiha Sasuke? Uchiha Sasuke is a younger brother of Uchiha Itachi i posted last time. and i mentioned Sasuke when i introduce Itachi^^

Let 's find out his profile.

Name : Uchiha Sasuke

Hometown : Leaves Villege

Height : 168cm

Weight : 52.2kg

Family :
Uchiha Hukaku , Uchiha Mikoto,
 Uchiha Itachi

Uchiha Sasuke is one of the main character in Naruto who is rybal of Naruto.
The real story of Naruto starts when Sasuke left the leaves village against Naruto.
Sasuke was a very kind guy, but the revenge agains Uchiha Itachi, he left to be strong and kill his brother.

The time they were friend each other with happiness.

Naruto & Sasuke are against each other
and the story is started!! let s go deep into Naruto cartoon^^

Naruto vs Sasuke fight!!!!

by Sangho Lee

A successful cartoon business-Naruto

As a comic itself, Naruto is one of the most popular cartoon over the world. It has nearly 16 years old since 1997 it has been published on the comic book named Jump in Japan.

Do u believe there's a restaurant of cartoon in the real world?!
The successful idea of Naruto is to create a world that is samiler to the real world but the slight diffence is people can use a power called chakura to become a ninja. All characters have their own stories, personallities, skills, fighting styles and relationships. So if assume each character as a product created, it would be a massive products with huge differenciations. Hence, there will be a greate chances for every children to find the one they really like and also in the same time support Naruto this cartoon.
However, when the story has become famous and developed, the business will not be just limited within the expression of Comic. Like other Japanese cartoons, it comes out in TV, online comic, theatre, toys, clothes, cosplays, PC games, PS games, online games and so on. It has started as a comic but the effects on a great world business!

By Adam Shen

Most powerful creatures in Naruto

Tailed beasts
The tailed beast in Naruto are nine giant constructs of chakra a kind of power unit in Naruto world. Each Tailed Beast is different by the number of tails and volume and types of chakra they have. They possessing an enormous amount of power and strength.
Tailed beasts
The most powerfull ten tailed beast
The tailed beasts are nine giant constructs of chakra that serve to drive the plot of the Naruto series. They were all originally a single entity called the Ten Tailed Beast, whose power far outmatches most ninja. As the legends reveal, the Sage of the Six Paths sealed the Ten Tailed Beast inside his body to prevent the monster from  the world. However, knowing that his death would release the Ten Tailed Beast back into the world, the Sage separated the Ten Tailed Beast's chakra from its body and scattered it into the four winds as the Tailed Beasts before sealing the body away in what would become the moon.
  Ten tailed beast

By Yang WANG

Sunday 15 December 2013

Not only Cartoon but also Naruto animation!!!

Naruto animation

Naruto is one of the most popular cartoon. Naruto animation have released at movie thethers over the world nowdays by developing skills of making animation not only cartoon.

It is not a problem actually that the way published as cartoon of books to express the movement or colourful, and fantastic, incredeble of characters in Naruto. However, the skills of making video, animation as kind of movie make it possible. Readers of Naruto can enjoying Naruto more powerful.

There are many different of naruto animation and the stories are all different, even it is not associated with the real cartoon story. the relationship or characters are the same. But, stories are various so that give more interests to the customers who spend this content.
 I have watched several animation released in movie theather. I think that i like animation more watching tem in theather with the amazing sound and big screen. Naruto's story in cartoon book is going to be ended soon i guess. However, as a Naruto's big fan, i wish  animation of natuto would be made for a long time.^^

Posted by Sangho Lee

Ninja rank, way to become a kage

The ninja in a hidden village have their own skill levels which help delineate what rank they are. The most talented ninja in the village is generally the Kage who leads the village, the lowest tier is made up of those young individuals training in the ninja academy.
Ninja Academy students like Konohamaru are taught the basic jutsu skills. Once they have mastered the needed skills, they are able to graduate and become actual ninja.  

Genin are the lowest of ninja skill levels. They possess a knowledge of all the basic ninja skills and will do lower C & D rank missions with their Jounin sensei.

The Chuunin is the basic journeyman ninja of the village. These ninja can become field doctors or teachers. They were formerly Genin who were promoted for displaying excellent intelligence, strategy and combat skills in the Chuunin Exam.

Chunnin exam
Special Jounin are ninjas who have gained high Jounin-level skills in one area of ninja arts. Ninja attain the rank of Special Jounin through official appointment. 

The Jounin are ninja who are highly skilled in all jutsu skills and arts. The Jounin generally serve as squad commander for mission operations. 
The village Kage is the strongest ninja in the hidden village. They have excellent chakra and stamina and know the most jutsu techniques. Only the Five Great Shinobi Countries are allowed to call their head ninja by the Kage name.

By Yang WANG

Monday 9 December 2013

Uchiha Itachi. My favourite character of Naruto cartoon.

The picture above is the one i like in Naruto cartoon.

Let 's find out his profile.

Name : Uchiha Itachi

Hometown : Leaves Villege

Height : 178cm

Weight : 58kg

Graduation year of Ninza School : 7 years old

Group : Akachuki

Family :
Uchiha Hukaku , Uchiha Mikoto,
 Uchiha Sasuke (Brother who is one of the main character)
Partner : Hoshikaki Kisame

Let's find out the Uchiha Itachi 's skills




This skill makes Uchiha Itachi(s) Invulnerable for one turn


Itachi activates the Ultimate Defense, but risk will be huge.

Itachi uses the Strongest technique of the Mangekyou Sharingan.One enemy will take 25 affliction damage and will be invulnerable to Friendly skills.This skill will ignore invulnerability during Mangekyou Sharingan Activation.

나루토- 우치하 이타치

I like Uchiha Itachi the most in the Naruto cartoon. he was the one who killed all the family in the past. That is because one of mait character who is Uchiha Sasuke went out of the Villege and against Natuto. What Uchiha Itachi actually did was becasue of the order from the superior in the leaves villege. However, it was found out that he actually did not want to and he make the Uchiha Sasuke alive. He could not kill his young brother due to the emotion he loves him. He looks handsome and somtimes cynical and powerful. I really like him.. even though he is killed now from his young brother named Uchiha Sasuke again,,,,, It is kinda sad, i can not see him in the story anymore. ^^

Posted by Sangho Lee